PRESS RELEASE: Student’s recommendations on environment and health

School students from four Italian cities present their city administrators proposals to be healthy in a healthy environment. They do it based on the air and noise monitoring data collected by experts and comparing the results with those of the risk perception questionnaire.

It happens today in Taranto, in recent months in Naples, San Miniato and Ravenna. Alongside with the recommendations for administrators, teachers and researchers, girls and boys of Pacinotti and De Carolis of Taranto together with I.T.E. “Vitale Giordano” of Bitonto talk about their willingness to commit themselves to protecting the environment and health.

During the presentation of the recommendations of the De Carolis and ITIS Pacinotti school students in Taranto, the mayor of Taranto Stefano stated: “the Municipal Council of girls and boys that GIOCONDA proposes is acquired by our Municipality”.

Click here to download the press release.


2018-06-12T17:27:39+00:00February 12th, 2016|

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