We had been working via long meetings on Skype, scheduled on Doodle, and lengthy e-mail exchanges. Some of us also became friends on Facebook, and thus discovered passions and interests in common. However, every so often, working around the same table helps. For this reason GIOCONDA project coordinators invited all project partners, from Ravenna, Naples, Taranto and the Valdarno, to Pisa, at the general headquarters of the CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology. We shared the vision of the project and proposed methods for working with boys and girls in the most effective way, using the techniques of participatory learning.
In addition to the methods to be applied in the next stages of the project, we also tried to imagine our more distant future, which for us means a couple of years. The result was the idea of a platform where girls and boys, with the help of their teachers, can find a way to express their proposals to adults who work in local government or at any rate in the field of health and environmental resources. And where decision makers can combine in a relatively easy way different types of data, such as the risks perceived by their younger citizens and data from the monitoring conducted by ARPA in their area.