Participation to the final conference of LIFE+ MED HISS project “Mediterranean Health Interview Surveys Studies: long term exposure to air pollution and health surveillance”. Turin, September 13-14th 2016.
Participation to the 28th Annual Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Rome, September 1 – 4th 2016. Poster presentation: “WILLINGNESS TO PAY AND AIR POLLUTION: THE RESULTS OF GIOCONDA LIFE PROJECT“.
Submission accepted for a seminar in ICSV23 Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July 2016. The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, in cooperation with the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) & the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers. Subject Area SA T15: European Projects and Education in Acoustics. SS01: The Gioconda LIFE project – Participation through knowledge sharing and transfer: Noise monitoring & Noise risk perception.
Partecipation to the ECSITE (The European network of science centres and museums) annual conference. Graz, Austria, 9-11 June 2016. Participation to the session “Thematic Open Stage: children“.
One oral presentation at the Knowledge Exchange in Public Health Conference, 3rd Fuse International Conference, Newcastle, UK, April – 2016.
One oral presentation (GIOCONDA: involving the youth in environmental and health policies) and one demonstration show (Jack is late. Air pollution and health at a bus stop) at the 14th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference: the Global Conference on Science and Communication, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2016.
Partecipation to the conference “L’Aria che respiriamo: inquinamento atmosferico ed effetti sulle attività e sulla salute dell’uomo” (Parma, 1 April 2016). Presentation.
Participation to the Science and Society School, edition 2016, “Nature and culture in small islands“, held in Ischia on 18th and 19th March.
Participation to ECOMONDO, 3-6 November 2015, Rimini, Italy. Poster presentation. “I monitoraggi di qualità dell’aria nell’ambito del progetto GIOCONDA – i GIOvani CONtano nelle decisioni su Ambiente e Salute”. Lucialli P, Pollini E, Marinello S, Zauli S, Spartera M, Rosito V, Giua R, Cecchi D, Cori L.
Participation to the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, which was held in Trieste on the 13th of November 2015. A poster was presented by Dr. Gamboz and Prof. Brandimonte.
Participation to the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), world’s leading event in the area of acoustics and vibration. Florence, Italy, from 12 to 16 July 2015. Promoted by the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) and the Acoustical Society of Italy (AIA). Speech and paper publication: Conference Paper, The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 2015, “Assessment of the noise quality of schools rooms within the Gioconda project”, Elena Ascari, Francesco Bianco, Marco Chetoni, Luca Fredianelli, Gaetano Licitra Liliana Cori.
On May 27th 2015 in Pisa, IFC-CNR and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna organised a Seminar to discuss Knowledge Transfer and Exchange in Environment and Health. GIOCONDA presented the experience with the participants.
The Eight Edition of the Festival “Fare i conti con l’ambiente” hosted GIOCONDA in a successful event in Ravenna, May 20th, 2015, to present the project to the citizen.
On May 15th 2015, the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, held the international workshop Health Science Education in Primary Schools. GIOCONDA was invited to participate in the roundtable “Next steps: collaborations and funding opportunities”.
On March 6th 2015 the Research and documentation centre “La Bottega di Geppetto” in San Miniato held a Seminar to discuss local activities promoting education in the environmental matters, perspectives and programs for the next school year. GIOCONDA was one of the project presented.
On February 23th 2015 the Ministry of Health and the National Health Institute organised the Workshop “Atmospheric pollution and health in Italian schools”, presenting the EU projects on the topic. GIOCONDA was presented by the experts of SDS Valdarno and Empoli LHA.
In Ferrara (one of the cities sending supporting letters to GIOCONDA), between the months of December 2014 and April 2015, two classes of the elementary school A. Manzoni in Ferrara realized the labs and produces their recommendations for the city’s Major, presented in a public event during at the Municipality and published by the local newspapers, on November 27th A reply by the Mayor was also published in the local Newspaper, La Nuova Ferrara.
In Naples, Città della Scienza, on October 10th 2014 GIOCONDA participated in the Conference “Schools and didactics using the web net”, presenting GIOCONDA methodology at the XII Edition of Smart Education and Technologt days. The following year (2015) the first GIOCONDA engagement event was held here.
In Pisa, IFC-CNR and Fondazione Toscana Monasterio organised the workshop “Epidemiology for research and society in Tuscany”, October 6th GIOCONDA presented the LIFE project during the workshop.
The thesis presented by Alessandra Giannini at the end of the triennial Course of Physics, year 2014-2015 (Faculty of Mathematics, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Pisa) took as a reference the noise monitoring done in the framework of GIOCONDA Project. Title: Misure di acustica architettonica nell’ambito del progetto LIFE Plus GIOCONDA. (Acoustic architectonic measures in the framework of GIOCONDA LIFE Plus Project).