Ferrara: a daily recommendation takes away the pollution

The course of GIOCONDA in Ferrara ended.

Girls and boys from the De Pisis secondary school (section of Porotto, 2 and 3M), ITI Copernico Carpeggiani (2I and 1H) and ITAS F.lli Navarra (2AM and 2BM) presented their recommendations to city administrators and to make Ferrara a healthier city.


Very important is the contribution of teachers Marinella Riemma, Paola Sgarzi and Giovanna Foddis, who summarized her experience:

GIOCONDA for me was a process of KNOWLEDGE, because it allowed us to address in depth the issue of air pollution, relying on scientific data, also thanks to the participation of experts in the classroom. It brought new conscience, because none of us imagined such a high risk to our health due to pollution.

It was an INTERDISCIPLINARY study linked to REALITY: students always think that the subjects studied at school are worth nothing, but in this project we used chemistry, biology, law, communication, computer science, and English.

It was a REVOLUTIONARY project because it taught us that boys and girls should expect to be heard in their demands for a better future.

And we adults should always remember that sometimes they are better than us (or we are worse than them!).

Gioconda was finally a PARTECIPATIVE project because, in addition to asking for change for others, has led to a reflection on the fact that we must always be ourselves, in person, to commit ourselves concretely for a better world.

2018-06-12T16:32:53+00:00June 16th, 2016|

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