The GIOCONDA platform2019-01-31T11:35:06+00:00

The GIOCONDA platform

The GIOCONDA platform is a governance tool aimed at fostering the dialogue on environment and health between young citizens and local decision makers.

Through the platform, students can explore and understand the area in which they live, they can show their concern about the environmental pollution and they can propose their recommendations to the local decision makers.  The administrators, in turn, can use the platform as a tool to monitor the risk perception and to establish a dialogue with the younger generation.

The GIOCONDA platform offers:

  • a video tutorial to explain how to use the platform effectively
  • a guide for teachers, with all the details of the activities that can be done in class
  • a guide for administrators, to understand why and how to activate GIOCONDA, and an Excel sheet to calculate the cost-benefits of the environmental improvements that could have an impact on the health of citizens (CBA GIOCONDA), accompanied by a video tutorial
  • a protocol to carry out environmental monitoring of air and noise quality in the local area, provided dedicated resources are available
  • an interactive map that makes it possible to immediately identify: all the schools in Italy; the control units of the ARPA (Regional Environmental Protection Agency) monitoring network, the monitoring of two major pollutants (PM10 and NO2); the presence of highways, ports, airports, and railway stations; the boundaries between municipalities, provinces and regions; and major social and health data
  • the socio-demographic characteristics of the area concerned (provincial data)
  • a risk perception questionnaire on the quality of air and noise in relation to young people’s health. A Risk Perception Index (RPI) can be calculated per individual, classroom, school, city, and region
  • an index of air quality, in the neighbourhood of each chosen school, measured by colour coded smiley faces, which can be compared with the RPI. It is thus possible to highlight, in a simple and clear manner, any differences between the data measured and the perception of risk.

All materials are provided in Italian, click here to find out more

If you would like to know more about the GIOCONDA project, please contact us at

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